Happy New Year 2024


The New Year is just about upon us. What will you be doing for New Year's Eve?

Will you be out ballroom dancing?


Will you be on a New Year's Eve cruise?


Will you be celebrating at a big New Year's Eve party?


Or, will you be enjoying a quiet evening at home, perhaps solving a checker problem? This one is quite easy and we challenge you to find two solutions.

Black to Play and Win


Whatever your choice, we hope you enjoy. For ourselves, as we've gotten older, New Year's Eve at parties or dances has become less appealing, and with the price of a cruise ... well, we'll probably just stay home. But that's just us. In any event, see how you do with today's checker problem and then click on Read More to see the solution.20050904-symbol.gif


A fast way:

16-20 13x6 20-16 White Wins.

Another way:

1-6 10-1 3-10 13-6 16-11 2-7 11-9 White Wins.

Lloyd and Gosh Josh Gordon of Toronto sent us this one and proposed the second solution.

A happy New Year to one and all; may the New Year bring you every good thing that you might wish for.


12/30/23 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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