The Flora Temple attack has been an interesting line of the Single Corner opening for many decades, and much has been published about it. I was doing some research, trying to understand a man-down draw arising in the Flora Temple, and came across a real thriller of a game in an old checker manual. It took place many, many years ago as part of a match between the London Wanderers and the Manchester Central Draughts Club. Here's the game (in PDN notation):
[Event "London v. Manchester"]
[Date "Long Ago"]
[Black "Blakely"]
[White "Strudwick"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. 11-15 22-18 2. 15x22 25x18
3. 12-16 29-25 4. 9-13 24-19
5. 16-20 28-24 6. 8-11 19-16
7. 4-8 16-12 8. 11-16 18-14
9. 10x17 21x14 10. 6-10 25-21
11. 10x17 21x14 12. 13-17 23-18
13. 2-6 26-23 14. 6-9 24-19
15. 17-21 19-15 16. 1-6 31-26
17. 7-10 14x7 18. 3x19 12x3
19. 19-24 3-8 20. 24x31 8-12
21. 31x15 12x1 22. 9-13 1-6
23. 5-9 23-18 24. 20-24 6-10
25. 13-17 10-15 26. 17-22 15-19 0-1
A nice win for White.
You can play through an animated version by clicking here.
Now, here's the question: where did Black go wrong? There's a very definite spot in the game where the losing move is played. Can you find it, and can you come up with the correct move to draw?
Click on Read More when you think you have the answer and compare your solution with KingsRow.
On move 13, Black made 2-6. KingsRow calls this a clear loser; 1-6 would have secured a draw. 2-6 looks natural and conforms to general principles, such as maintaining a bridge in the king's row, but it opens up an ominous looking hole and, ultimately, heads to defeat.
The problem was compounded on move 14 when Black made 6-9; he would have had better chances with 8-11 but probably would have lost anyhow. At least, that's what the computer tells us.
There were a few less than optimal moves made prior to move 13, but none were so unsound as to lose the game or miss a win.
How did you do with this one?
You can view the full, detailed analysis by clicking here.
And yes, Flora Temple was a famous racehorse from the 1850s!