The Checker Maven

4th of July 2023


We never get tired of saying that we love the 4th of July, America's birthday. We are proud and unapologetic American patriots.[1]

For our 4th of July column, we always turn to an American checkerist. Often it's Tom Wiswell but today we'd like to feature another of America's all-time greats, Willie Ryan, with a game and problem from his aptly titled American Checkerist publication. Let's start with the run-up.

1. 10-15 21-17
2. 9-13 17-14
3. 15-18 ...

Ryan calls this a probable loss but today we know that although perhaps not the best choice, it doesn't lose.

3 ... 22x15
4. 11x18 24-19

Once thought to win, but only draws with correct play by Black.

5. 8-11 28-24
6. 6-9 ...

The losing move. Correct would have been 4-8 or 6-10. it's easy for Black to go wrong in this line.

White to Play and Win


The winning line is quite long, and not all that easy to discover. However, it's very instructive and this problem is well worth your time. See how far you can go, and then click on Read More to see the solution.

[1] Tragically, today to some the concept of patriotism is viewed as politically incorrect at best and racist at worst. We strongly disagree, and prefer the statement put forth by Gaines Foster of Louisiana State University: " ... you're an American because you believe in democracy, you believe in equality, you believe in opportunity."20050904-symbol.gif


Obviously, variations are possible below and you can use your computer to study them.

6. ... 24-20
7. 2-6 32-28
8. 6-10 25-21
9. 10x17 23x14

21-14 only draws.

10. 9x18 21x14
11. 1-6 29-25
12. 4-8 26-23
13. 13-17 25-21
14. 18-22 23-18
15. 22-25 27-23
16. 17-22 21-17

30-26 looks natural but only draws.

17. 25-29 17-13
18. 6-10 14-9
19. 5x14 18x9
20. 10-15 19x10
21. 7x14 9-6
22. 14-17 ...

The computer move here is 3-7 but it makes little difference.

22. ... 23-18
23. 17-21 6-2
24. 29-25 ...

Not 24. 3-7 20-16 25. 12-19 18-15 26. 11-18 2-4 and Black will soon be completely without safe moves, for instance 27. 18-23 4-8 28. 29-25 8-11 29. 25-29 11-15 30. 29-25 15x24 31. 25-29 24-19 and Black is eaten alive.

24. ... 2-6
25. 3-7 6-2
26. 7-10 ...

Another quick ending would be had on 26. 12-16 18-15 27. 11-18 2-4 WW.

26. ... 2-7
27. 10-15 7x16
28. 12x19 18x4

White Wins.

As we said, this one wasn't the easiest, and to solve it would require as much forward vision as our Founding Fathers had when they brought America into being.

A happy 4th of July to one and all!


07/01/23 - Category: Games -Printer friendly version-
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