Skat Club "Die Lusche" in Honolulu, Hawai`i has one member (myself), no regular venue, and holds no meetings because it doesn't really exist.

I'm sure, just on the basis of probability, there must be other Skat players on the island of O`ahu besides myself, but I've never heard of any, much less met one.

Please note that I don't and won't play for money, not even small table stakes, not ever, period.

Du sprichst Deutsch? Ich verstehe ein wenig.

Im Moment spiele ich manchmal (das heißt: fast nie) auf, wo ich heiße "konanekane".

Work in progress: I'm doing an informal evaluation of a number of Skat playing programs, and hope to complete it Real Soon Now. I'm posting "work in progress" here; keep in mind that results are preliminary and the presentation is very basic.