Labor Day Race

This article will be published on Labor Day weekend, a time to kick back, relax, enjoy a beverage, and recognize the ordinary working guy and gal; the people who through their daily hard work and perseverance make America great. We know that many of these folk are checker players, as checkers is the mind sport of the common man; and today we salute all of you with our September speed problems.

September Speed Problem 1 (easy enough but a bit odd; one minute)

September Speed Problem 2 (moderately easy; two minutes)


September Speed Problem 1


Yes, you got it right, strange as it looks, this is the solution:

32-27 24-31 8-3 21-17---A 14-21 2-6 3-1 31-27 23-32 Black Wins.

A---31-26 23-30 2-6 3-1 21-17 14-21 Black Wins.

We told you this one was weird!

September Speed Problem 2


4-8 32-27---A 8-11 27-23 18-15 10-19 11-16 24-28 31-27 23-32 16-23 White Wins.

A---Black, of course, can try another angle, but it leads to a straightforward loss: 32-28 8-11 10-15 18-14 15-18 31-26 28-32 11-15 24-28 15-22 White Wins.

Now, enjoy the rest of Labor Day weekend, and treat yourself to that beverage we mentioned earlier.

If you are of legal age and choose to drink, The Checker Maven asks that you do so responsibly. Drinking and driving is a serious and dangerous crime; please don't ever do it.

09/02/06 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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