

Have you ever been unsure about something? We all have. Not everything in life is certain. Sometimes we just give something our best effort and let the chips fall as they will.

Being unsure and having things work out is great. But that can be taken a step further. We can do something and have it work out all the while not knowing why we did what we did and why it worked out. Some might call this luck. Others might call it hidden intuition. However everyone, we would think, would welcome a positive outcome.

Regular contributor Lloyd Gordon of Toronto won in the following position against "Gosh Josh" Gordon in one of their nightly over the board contests. Lloyd's comment was, "I won without even knowing what the move did."

Black to Play and Win


This one isn't difficult at all and we think it qualifies nicely for a traditional beginning of the month speed problem. We do, however, suggest that you try to have an idea of what your candidate moves may do. See how quickly you find the win, knowing for sure that clicking on Read More will show you the solution.20050904-symbol.gif


14-18 23x14 16x23 27x18 20x27---A 31x24 10x28 Black Wins.

A---Best. 10-28 does win but it's slower.

02/01/25 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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