The Checker Maven

The Fastest Month

February, of course, is the shortest month of the year, weighing in at just 28 or 29 days; and those days seem to rush by, especially if you've got bills that come due the first of every month. No sooner have you paid February's bills, it feels like the ones for March are coming due.

For the short and fast month of February, we propose a short and fast checker problem--- and we won't even bill you for it! Time on our Javascript clock rushes by as fast as can be. Can you solve this one in ten seconds? We consider it moderately easy. Click below to show the problem and start the clock; then click on Read More to confirm your solution.

February Speed Problem (moderately easy)



White to Play and Win


32-27 16-19 29-25 12-16 15-11! 8x15 25-22 15-18 22x15 19-23 27x18 White Wins.

02/06/10 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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