The New Year 2020 is here and we've already been subject to all too many jokes about 2020 vision and so on. So let's skip all that and, while wishing all our readers the best of the New Year, we'll jump right into a nice little speed problem sent by regular contributors Lloyd and Josh Gordon. We won't use our Javascript clock this month. The problem isn't at all difficult but we thought we'd give you a chance to "ease" into the New Year.
Black is a piece up but White is about to even the count. How can Black win?
Even if you're still feeling the results of your New Year's Eve party, you can solve this one. Find the solution and then click on Read More to check your work.
11-15 7x14 15x24 28x19 22-25 29x22 26x10 Black Wins.
Short and snappy. The position occurred in one of the many exciting over the board contests between our much-appreciated Toronto contributors.