Finally, we go to the source. Shown above is the River Tweed in the Kelso area of Scotland, and as we all know, the 10-15 Kelso opening is named for this region.
We continue this extended series on the Kelso with Willie's "Variation 2," as presented in his famed and famous Tricks Traps & Shots of the Checkerboard. Variation 2 is reached as follows. (Annotations are shown in previous columns in this series.)
10-15 | 21-17 | 24-20 | |
22-18 | 4-8 | 1-6 | |
15-22 | 17-13 | 28-24 | |
25-18 | 9-14 | 8-11---1 | |
11-15 | 29-25 | 32-28---A | |
18-11 | 6-10 | 14-17---B,C | |
8-15 |
A---"Forms a position made famous by American Champion A. J. Heffner of Boston, who published much fine play on it years ago. The ramifications of this formation should be mastered by every aspiring player, as it has been the nemesis of many headliners in the checker firmament."
1---Willie has previously noted that this is a very weak move. 15-19 is really the only way to go for Black.
Notes B and C are shown in the solution.
The last move, 14-17, is critical. What if Black plays 15-18? How about 14-18? It turns out that both of these moves lose.
So, you have two problems to solve. The first is easier than the second, especially as our computer analysis explored some improved play in the second problem. See what you can do, and then go to the source by clicking on Read More to see the solutions.
Here's Willie's take on how White can win these positions.
B---"For play on 3-8, see Note C.
"If 15-18 is played, then white wins with: 13-9, 6-13, 26-22---2.
"Several world champions have lost here by taking 14-18, which is followed by: 23-14, 10-17, 27-23 (25-21 also wins, but not so easily; in the old days the win was negotiated by 25-21), 7-10---3, 25-21, 10-14, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 3-7,19-16*, 12-19,23-16,7-10,16-7, 2-11, 26-22*!, 17-26, 31-22, 11-15, 22-17, 15-19, 20-16, 19-23, 16-11, 23-27, 11-7, 27-31, 7-3, 31-27, 3-7, 27-23, 7-11, 23-18, 30-25, 5-9, 11-7, 18-15, 25-22, and white wins. John H. Langan vs. Wm. F. Ryan."
C---To be presented in the next installment. 3-8 is the best move here but still leaves Black in trouble. 14-17 is next best but a probable loss---Ed.
2---Willie leaves it at this, but the win actually takes some play. One way is 11-15 24-19 15-24 28-19 2-6 22-15 14-18 23-14 10-17 27-23 3-8 20-16 5-9 31-27 9-14 27-24 17-21 25-22 6-9 24-20 14-17 22-18 17-22 16-11 7-16 20-4 White Wins.
3---Willie's analysis goes off a little here. 5-9 is Black's best, though the computer shows this narrow White win: 5-9 24-19 15x24 28x19 7-10 23-18 17-21 25-22 3-7 26-23 11-16 20x11 7x16 22-17 2-7 31-26 7-11 17-14 10x17 19-15 16-20 15x8 20-24 8-3 24-28 3-7 28-32 23-19 32-27 19-15 12-16 7-10 White Wins.