During your school days, did you ever "cut a caper" like the kids above are doing? They seem to really be enjoying their dance class.
This week continues our equally enjoyable checker series, Capers on the Kelso, taken from Willie Ryan's famous Tricks Traps & Shots of the Checkerboard. We're deep into a variation off the main line in which Willie has highlighted an interesting problem-like position.
The uncommented run-up follows below. For complete notes, see the previous columns in this series.
1. | 10-15 | 22-18 | |
2. | 15x22 | 25x18 | |
3. | 6-10 | 29-25 | |
4. | 11-15 | 18x11 | |
5. | 8x15 | 25-22 | |
6. | 4-8 | 21-17 | |
7. | 9-13 | 23-18 | |
8. | 7-11 | 26-23 | |
9. | 5-9 | 24-20 | |
10. | 1-5 | 28-24 | |
11. | 9-14 | 18x9 | |
12. | 5x21 | 23-19 | |
13. | 2-6 | 27-23 | |
14. | 3-7 | ||
White is a piece down, but the draw is there, although White will have to make a number of star moves and "toe the line" pretty closely.
Is this too big a caper to pull off, or can you do it? Give it a couple of turns, and then click on Read More to see the solution and notes.
Comments in quotes are by Willie Ryan. Unquoted comments are by the Editor, using the KingsRow computer engine.
14. | ... | 22-17 |
"A very useful idea to promote a draw."
15. | 13x22 | 23-18 |
16. | 6-9 | 20-16 |
17. | 11x27 | 18x2 |
Note that 18-4 loses.
18. | 8-11 | 32x23 |
Willie stars this move, but the alternative jump, 31-24, also draws.
19. | 10-14 | 2-7 |
Nothing else draws here.
20. | 11-16 | 7-11 | |
21. | 16-20 | 11-15 | |
22. | 22-25 | 15-10 | |
Willie also stars this move, but surprisingly, 15-18 draws as well.
23. | 9-13 |
"If 14-17 is tried, then 19-16 spells recess without decision."
23. | ... | 10x17 | |
24. | 13x22 | 30-26 | |
25. | 25-30 | 26x17 | |
26. | 21-25 | ||
"Or 30-25, 17-13, 25-22, 19-15, 21-25, 23-18, 25-30, 18-14, which makes the same music in a different key."
26. | ... | 17-13 | |
27. | 25-29 | 23-18 | |
28. | 29-25 | 19-15 | |
29. | 25-22 | 18-14 | |
"Producing a draw. Wm. F. Ryan."
If 22-18, 15-10 holds the draw.