"Make haste slowly" is a saying that comes from the original Greek σπεῦδε βραδέως (we hope your browser displays Greek characters properly) but is better known in the Latin translation, festina lente.
We've always found the concept of "making haste slowly" to be rather interesting. What does it mean, exactly? Does it admonish us to hedge our bets? To proceed directly but with caution? To hurry up and wait?
Adages are often like that; they can mean any number of things.
This month's speed problem may perhaps clarify "making haste slowly," at least from the point of view of the game of checkers. While you need to solve the problem within the time limit of 20 seconds, you will have to carefully visualize and work out the sequence of moves, and that will take the typical checkerist a little time (though certainly not all that much time).
Click below to display the problem and start the clock, then come back and click on Read More to verify your solution.
November Speed Problem (Not so hard; 20 seconds)
8-11 16x7 3x10 6x15 30-26 (23-27 also leads to the same ending) 13x6 23-27 32x23 26x1 20-16 1-6 16-11 6-10 Black Wins.