We are both pleased and proud to be able to present the fourth volume in Mr. Richard Pask's new series, 21st Century Checkers. Destined to become the definitive modern reference on 3-move ballots, these books are sure to be of great interest to every serious checkerist. Volume 4, 10-15s can be downloaded here, or from the Richard Pask page linked in the right-hand column.
As in all of the volumes in the series, the book makes extensive use of color. If you want a printed copy, it might be best to print it at home, as commercial services charge quite a bit for color printing.
Here's a preview problem from the new book.
Click on Read More to see the solution and analysis.
The Checker Maven thanks Mr. Pask for his contributions to the checker community and for honoring us with the opportunity to present his work. We are relieved and delighted that this great player and unexcelled author is on his way to a full recovery from life-threatening health issues encountered earlier this year. May Mr. Pask live long and prosper--- and continue to publish!
The following solution was generated by the KingsRow engine with 10-piece endgame database. The solution differs only slightly from that given in Mr. Pask's book. We have shown several additional moves as the ending is quite instructive.
27-23---A 7-3 31-26 25-21 26-31 20-16 12x19 15x24 31-26 21-17 23-18 17-13 18-15 13-9 15-10 9-5 10-15 3-7 26-31 5-1 31-26 7-2 26-23 24-20 14-8 20-16 15-18 1-6 18-22 6-10 23-18 2-6 8-12 16-11 18-23 10-7 22-18 11-8 23-19 6-2 19-15 7-3 15-10 8-4 12-16 Drawn.
Numerous alternative paths are possible; use your computer to explore further.
A---The seemingly similar 27-24 loses. One way is 27-24 7-2 24-27 2-6 27-23 (too late!) 6-10 23-26 10-14 26-30 25-21 30-25 14-17 4-8 17-13 31-26 21-17 25-21 17-14 26-22 14-10 21-17 13-9 17-21 10-7 21-17 7-2 22-26 9-6 26-31 6-10 17-22 2-7 22-26 7-11 31-27 11x4 White Wins. KingsRow.