We finally return to our republication of Willie Ryan's incomparable Tricks Traps & Shots of the Checkerboard; we're nearing the end of the book and Willie's examples have become long and complex. In fact, this month's installment is so complex we've decided to change the presentation format a little. On this page, we'll show you the problem diagram. On the Read More page, we've put the run-up and all the notes and variations.
Now, let's hear from Willie.
"Here is a star-studded study that I have prepared for my readers, to highlight what I consider the most sensational end-game win ever scored in crossboard competition:"
Don't be frozen out; chill a little, solve the problem, then click on Read More to thaw out the solution.
For the problem solution, see Note J and subsequent moves.
9-14 | 15-11* | 5-14 | 13-9 | 19-23 |
24-19 | 9-13---D | 25-22 | 19-23 | 15-19 |
5-9 | 29-25* | 11-15 | 28-19 | 23-27 |
28-24 | 13-17---E | 22-17* | 15-24 | 21-17 |
11-15 | 25-22* | 15-24 | 1-6 | 27-32 |
22-18 | 16-20 | 23-19 | 10-15 | 1-6*---L |
15-22 | 22-13 | 16-23 | 6-10 | 2-18 |
25-18 | 7-16 | 27-9 | 15-19 | 19-23 |
8-11 | 26-22* | 12-16 | 10-15 | 18-27 |
24-20 | 4-8 | 9-5---J | 23-27 | 17-13 |
11-16---A | 30-25*---F | 16-19 | 17-14 | White |
20-11 | 8-11 | 32-28* | 27-32 | wins. |
7-16 | 22-18* | 10-15 | 9-5 | |
18-15 | 1-5---I | 5-1 | 32-28 | |
3-7---C,Vl | 18-9 | 6-10---K | 5-1 |
A---"This was labeled a losing move by no less an authority than the late A. J. Heffner, one of the foremost analysts of all time. There can be no doubt that it is a very weak move, but I do not believe it is a loss. A better procedure here is: 3-8, 27-24, 1-5---B, 26-22, 11-15, 18-11, 8-15, 20-16, 15-18, 22-15, 14-17, 21-14, 9-27, 32-23, 7-11, 15-8, 4-27, 31-24, 2-7*, 29-25, 7-11, 25-22, 6-9, 30-26, 9-14, 22-18, 11-16, 18-9, 5-14, 24-20, 14-18, which ends in a draw; published play.
B---Or 11-16, 20-11, 8-22, 26-17, 9-13, 19-15, 13-22, 30-26, 10-28, 26-3, 2-7, 3-10, 6-15, 29-25, 4-8, 25-22, 15-19, 23-16, 12-19, 22-18, 8-11, 31-26, 1-6, 18-14, 11-15, 21-17, 15-18, 17-13, 19-24. Harry Lieberman vs. C. H. Leggett.
C---Probably the real loser. It is of interest to note that a number of reputable analysts have reached this position at various times, but none of them has pointed out that black can still force a draw. In Variation 1, we attempt to prove the black draw by an attractive array of strategical devices.
D---If 1-5 is attempted, white will win with: 29-25* (26-22 allows a draw by 9-13, 22-18, 16-20, 18-9, 7-16, 29-25, 5-14, 25-22, 2-7, 22-18, 14-17, etc.), 9-13, 25-22, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 19-15*, 16-20 (16-19, 23-16, 12-19, will permit white to win with 32-28*, 7-16, 27-24*), 23-18*, 7-16, 15-11*, 5-9, 32-28*, 6-10, 18-14, 9-25, 30-7, 13-17, 7-3, 17-21, 26-23, 21-25, 23-18, 25-30, 11-7*, 2-11, 3-8. Wm. F. Ryan.
E---A bold try for a draw, which almost makes good, but not quite. Any other move loses easily except 1-5, which, after 25-22, develops the play described in Note D.
F---The only way to win. 30-26 would allow black to garner a draw with: 14-18, 22-15, 10-14, 26-22---F1, 14-17, etc. If 22-18 is played at F, black can squeeze through to a draw by: 8-11*, 18-9, 11-15, 9-5---G, 15-24, 23-18---H, 24-28, 21-17, 16-19, 30-26, 19-24, 26-22 (if 26-23 is tried here, the draw is also found with: 12-16, 18-14, 10-15, 23-19, 16-23, 27-11, 24-27, 32-23, 6-9) 12-16, 18-14, 10-15, 14-9, 16-19, 17-14, 6-10, 14-7, 2-11, 22-17, 19-23, 27-18, 15-22, 17-14, 11-16, etc. Wm. F. Ryan.
F1---Actually 13-9! wins after 6-13 26-22 1-6 22-18 6-9 15-10 13-17 10-6 17-22 6-1 22-25 1-6 9-13 18-9 etc.---Ed.
G---30-26, 15-24, 23-18, 10-14, 18-15, 14-18, 26-23, 18-22, 23-19, 16-23, 27-18, 1-5, 18-14, 22-25, will result in a draw in a few moves.
H---If the move is 21-17, black will escape to a draw by: 24-28, 23-19,16-23,27-18, 20-24*!, 30-26,12-16,26-23 (or 26-22, 6-9*), 16-20*, 23-19, 24-27*, 32-23, 28-32. Wm. F. Ryan. Again at H, if the sequence is 23-19, 16-23, 27-18, black marches to a draw with: 12-16, 21-17, 16-19, 30-26 (32-28, 24-27* preserves the draw), 24-28, 18-14, 10-15, 14-9, 20-24*!, 32-27, 15-18*, 27-20, 18-23, 26-22, 23-26, 22-18, 26-30, 20-16, 30-25, 16-11, 6-10*, 18-14, 10-15, 11-8, 25-21, 8-3, 15-18, 14-10, 21-7, 3-10, 18-22. Wm. F. Ryan.
I---10-15 is cornered by white, who will win with: 18-9, 15-24, 25-22, 24-28, 23-18* (22-18, 6-10, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 11-15, 14-10, 1-5* will lead to a draw only), 1-5, 27-23*, 5-14, 18-9, 20-24, 9-5, 6-10, 5-1, 10-15, 13-9, 15-19, 23-18, 19-23, 1-6, 16-20, 6-10, 24-27, 31-24, 20-27, 10-15, 11-16, 15-19. Wm. F. Ryan. The 10-15 move at I is not so easy to overcome as the positional appearance suggests.
J---In a match game, many years ago, between James Ferrie, then Champion of the World, and James Moir, another renowned celebrity of the old school, the position of the checkers immediately prior to white's 9-5 move, was as set forth in the diagram. In that game, the order of moves leading up to the diagrammed stage varied from the sequence of play given in our trunk game. At this point, Ferrie forced one of the most brilliant wins ever to be scored in actual play!
K---If the play is 6-9, white will win with: 13-6, 2-9, 17-13, 9-14, 1-6, 24-27, 31-24, 20-27, 6-10, 14-18, 10-14, 18-23, 14-10, 23-26, 10-7, 15-18, 7-10, 18-22, 10-15, 19-23, 15-18, 22-25, 18-22. Harry Lieberman.
L---Mr. Ferrie deliberated here for a moment, then slowly raised his hand, and proceeded to execute what is perhaps the most remarkable finish ever recorded in draughts lore, bottling up all of his opponent's pieces in an airtight smother. One can well imagine Mr. Moir's consternation at finding himself defeated, although three pieces ahead!
Variation 1
(off trunk at fifteenth move)
4-8---A | 25-22 | 19-26 | 23-19 | 26-30 |
15-11 | 6-10 | 30-23 | 18-23 | 14-18 |
8-24 | 22-17---D | 6-9 | 6-2 | 22-25; |
27-11 | 9-13 | 11-7 | 14-18 | drawn. |
10-15 | 32-27 | 2-11 | 2-6 | Wm. F. |
29-25---B | 13-22 | 17-13 | 18-22 | Ryan. |
15-19 | 26-17 | 10-15 | 6-10 | |
23-16 | 1-6 | 13-6 | 23-26 | |
12-19 | 27-23---F | 15-18* | 10-14 |
A---Revitalizes a formation that has long remained in discard in the belief that it would result in a loss for black. This move transforms it into a draw.
B---Black is not hurt by: 23-18, 15-22, 26-10, 6-15, 29-25 (or 11-8, 12-16, 8-4, 9-14, 29-25, 15-18, 30-26, 1-6), 12-16, 25-22, 1-6, 22-17, 6-10; this play gives black at least an even game. Again at B, if 11-8 is used, black breaks through for a draw with: 11-8, 12-16*, 8-4, 6-10, 29-25,16-20*, 25-22, 2-7*, 31-27, 7-11, 22-17, 9-13, 26-22, 1-6, 23-18, 14-23, 27-18, 6-9* (20-24, 4-8, 3-12, 18-14, will turn it into a win for white), 32-28, 3-8*!---C, 30-26, 15-19*, 17-14, 10-17, 21-5, 8-12, 18-14, 11-16. Wm. F. Ryan.
C---If 15-19 is played, white will win by: 4-8, 3-12, 17-14, 10-26, 30-7. If the play is 20-24, 28-19, 15-24, then the move 30-26 will win on all counts.
D---Or 31-27, 1-5, 26-23---E, 19-26, 30-23, 9-13, 23-19, 3-7, 27-23, 7-16, 19-12, 10-15, 32-28, 2-6, 28-24, 6-9, 23-19. Wm. F. Ryan.
E---If the move is 22-17, then the draw is protected by: 10-15, 17-10,19-23, 26-19, 15-31, 21-17*, 9-14,17-13,14-18,10-6, 2-9, 13-6, 5-9, 6-1, 9-14. Again at E, if the sequence is 30-25, 10-15, the draw is preserved with 22-17; but the following will lead to a win for black: 27-23, 19-24, 23-19, 24-27, 19-10, 27-31, 26-23, 31-26.
F---30-26, 14-18* (6-9, 11-7, 2-11, 17-13, and white wins), 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 18-23 (19-23 also makes the draw), 27-18, 19-24, 26-23, 24-28, 23-19, 28-32, 19-15, 32-28, 14-10, 6-9,10-6, 3-7, 11-8, 7-10, 15-11, 10-15, ends in a draw. Wm. F. Ryan."