"Do as I say, not as I do" is an old expression that finds application all too often. We can think of far too many examples to list here, so we'll just invite you to use your imagination.
In a scientific game such as checkers, though, it would seem that such a catchphrase has little application. After all, checker moves speak for themselves; they're either good or they're not. But bear with us; following the solution to today's problem you'll find a hilarious example of one man's version of "Do as I say" over the checkerboard.
The position, part of our Checker School series, is subtle and pleasing, and as usual, highly practical.
It's harder than it looks. Can you solve it? When you've found your solution, click on Read More to check your answer and play through a sample game with explanatory notes.
The solution and lettered notes are from Ben Boland's Famous Positions in the Game of Checkers. Numbered notes are by the Editor, using the KingsRow computer engine and 10-piece endgame database.
27-31, 26-22---1, 31-26, 11-8---B, 10-15, 8-3, 6-10, 3-8---3, 26-30, 8-11, 30-25, 11-18, 2-6. Black Wins---4.
Game: 9-14, 22-17, 11-15, 25-22, 8-11, 17-13, 11-16, 29-25, 16-20, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 4-8, 22-18, 8-11, 18-9, 5-14, 25-22, 11-15, 32-28, 15-24, 28-19, 10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 22-18, 15-22, 26-10, 7-14, 30-26, 12-16, 26-22, 3-7, 22-18, 1-5, 18-9, 5-14, 13-9, 7-10, 9-5, 2-7---A, 5-1, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 1-6, 17-22. Forms above position, colors reversed. G. Buchanan, Scottish Tourney Book, 1893. Here the man on 27 is a King, but the play is the same.
A---Losing move; 10-15 draws---5.
B---22-18, 2-7, 11-2, 26-23. Black Wins.
1---26-23 31-27 23-19---2 6-9 13-6 2-9 11-7 9-13 Black Wins.
2---23-18 2-7! 11-2 27-23 2-9 23-5 Black Wins.
3---13-9 is no better.
4---White's only move to avoid the immediate loss of two pieces is 13-9 which leads to the loss of three pieces!
5---A subtle but important difference, giving the Black king just enough extra scope to win the game. Did you get it right?
A similar position came up in the English Championship Tournament, 1924, S. Cohen won from F. Tescheleit. Similar positions have arisen between Messrs. Clements and Craig, 1906 Scottish Tourney. And in the tourney of 1925, between Lumsden and Dundas. And also game No. 1057, the Draughts Review, Vol. 5, June 1929.
The above position by W. H. Broughton may be found as No. 396 in Lyman's Problem Book, 1881. Also see "Familiar Themes," Page 8.
A Cincinnati player has written his own standard laws of the game:
---Mt. Sterling Advocate.