In last month's installment from Willie Ryan's Tricks Traps & Shots of the Checkerboard, Willie told us that one of the moves "sets up a fine problem study by Champion John T. Bradford, American member of the 1927 International Checker Team." But that column had already become rather involved, and so we split off Mr. Bradford's study and present it this month. We think you'll agree that it deserves space of its own.
Black's position in the diagram below looks pretty good. How can White pull this one off?
Don't let the apparent difficulty carry you away; with enough effort you can escape with the solution, though it will be a real struggle. When you're ready, click on Read More to see the solution and a full set of explanatory notes.
31-27 | 31-26 | 9-6---Q |
23-26 | 11-7* | 11-7 |
30-23 | 6-9---N | 6-2 |
2-6 | 14-10 | 7-14 |
21-17 | 9-13---O | 3-7---R |
15-19 | 17-14 | 14-9 |
23-18 | 26-22 | 27-23 |
19-23 | 7-3*---P | 13-17---S |
18-15 | 22-18 | 23-18---T,2 |
23-26 | 14-9 | White wins. |
15-11* | 16-19 | J. T. Bradford. |
26-31 | 24-15 | |
28-24*---1 | 18-11 | |
N---If 26-22 is moved, then white wins with: 32-28, 22-13, 14-9, 6-10, 7-2, 13-6, 2-9, 10-15, 9-14. J. T. Bradford.
O---If 26-22 is played, then white also wins with: 7-2*, 22-13, 2-6, 9-14, 24-19, 16-23, 27-9, 12-16, 10-7*, 1-10, 7-2, 13-6, 2-9, 16-19, 5-1, 19-23, 1-6, 10-15, 6-10, 15-19, 10-15. J. T. Bradford.
P---Because 7-2, 22-18, 14-9, 13-17, etc. allows black to draw.
Q---A surprise finale is in the offing. Black must now recover his piece, and in doing so he falls into a well-planned trap.
R---Aiming for the win by the 7-10 trade-off.
S---Or 12-16, 23-18, 16-19, 18-14, 9-18, 2-6, which finishes black faster!
T---The two for two by 18-14, 9-18, 2-6 is now pending, and black can do nothing to relieve the threat without losing on a two for one. A very clever win.
1---27-24 only draws---Ed.
2---Alternatively, if Black tries to block the 18-14 threat he just loses a man outright: 1-6 5-1 17-22 1-10---Ed.
We told you it wasn't easy, and there are many highways and biways to explore. This one is best reviewed and played over with the help of a strong computer engine.