The holidays have speeded by and North America is in the depth of winter. Even here in Waikiki, temperatures drop at night and sometimes get as low as 60F (no, we don't expect much sympathy).
Don't get the post-holiday blahs. Tackling a checkers speed problem will keep the blues away. And to ensure that the desired effect is achieved, we're putting forth a very easy problem. So easy, in fact, that we think you can solve it in a couple of seconds. But, generous as we always are, we'll give you extra time--- a full five seconds, in fact!
Click on the link below to show the problem and start the clock. Think fast!
January 2013 Speed Problem (very easy, 5 seconds)
When you're done, come back and click on Read More to see the solution.
18-14 9-18 10-6 3-10 6-31 White Wins.
This is probably one of the easiest problems we've ever published, but we hope the pressure of the clock added some challenge.