The Checker Maven wishes all our readers the best of the holiday season. No matter what holidays you celebrate and how you celebrate them, checkers is our common bond, and for your holiday enjoyment, we have an unusual problem to present.
What makes this problem unusual? We'll give you a huge hint: Moves that you might make almost automatically won't be right.
Solve the problem, check the solution by clicking on Read More, and enjoy the season!
7-3---A 10-14 3-7 14-18 30-25---B18-23 25-22 23-27 22-18 1-5 18-15---C 27-31 7-10 5-9 10x1 White Wins.
A---30-25 also works, whereas surprisingly 30-26 or the natural looking 7-2 only draw.
B---Again, not 7-2 or 30-26!
C---Not 18-14. How many of you would have quickly played this move?