Thanksgiving, our favorite all-American holiday, is soon upon us, and we hope you enjoy the celebration as much as we do. Family dinners, such as the one shown above, are a holiday tradition. Can you recognize the family in the photo?
As usual at this time of year, we turn to our favorite all-American checker problemist, Tom Wiswell, for today's selection.
Add a few moments of checker enjoyment to your holiday. Solve the problem after your main course and before dessert. Then have a second helping of turkey and a slice of pumpkin pie. Mr. Wiswell describes this problem as "more amusing than difficult." While it requires precise play, it certainly isn't as difficult as some of his others.
When you've found your solution, click on Read More to verify your moves.
19-15 7x14 6-10 14x7 3x10 17-13 10-6 22-17---A 5-9---B 25-22 6-2 13x6 7. 2x9 17-13 9-6---C 21-17 6-10 13-9 10-14 17x10 15x13 and Black wins with the move.
A---21-17 5-9 comes to the same idea.
B---1-18 only draws after 17-14 18-9 21-17.
C---9-14 only draws after 22-17 15-10 13-9 etc.
About the picture? Many of you will have recognized the great American patriot, General, and President, Dwight David Eisenhower, sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner with his family.
And now, for that second helping of turkey and slice of pie!