North America is well into the autumn season, and what's left of the leaves on much of the continent is blowing away fast. Winter is just around the corner in most northern locales; there isn't much time left.
We hope that today's speed problem won't blow you away, but you'll have to act quickly as indeed there isn't much time. We think 15 seconds is more than enough for a problem that merits a difficulty rating of "moderate" at most. We'll warn you: there are actually two winning paths; one is much longer than the other.
Don't get frozen out; click below to display the problem and start the clock. Then come back and click on Read More to verify your solution.
November Speed Problem (moderate difficulty; 15 seconds)
There is more than one way to win this.
Slower and less elegant is 23-19 14-10 6x15 13x6 19-16 18x11 16x7 6-2 7-11 2-6 11-15 6-2 26-30 2-6 30-25 Black Wins.
More direct is 26-31 (or 26-30) 18-15 (14-10 23-7 Black Wins) 9-25 Black Wins.