Does it seem like summer speeds in and just as quickly speeds out? It's already August, arguably the hottest month in most of the Northern Hemisphere, but September lies just around the corner, bringing with it the fall season.
But we'd like you to stay in gear for a few moments and contemplate this month's speed problem. It's from actual play in a game won by on-line checkerist Chris T. from Wales in the United Kingdom. The problem is not terribly hard but requires keen "checker vision," something Chris T. seems to have in spades.
We'll be generous and give you 15 seconds to solve it. When you're ready, click on the link below to display the problem and start the clock. After you've speedily found the solution, click on Read More to check your work.
August Speed Problem (moderate difficulty - 15 seconds)
21-17! 14-21 26-23 30-23-14-7 2-11 8-15 White Wins.
A very nicely calculated 4 for 3 shot, which relies on the White king's position on square 8 to pick up the extra man and win the game.