Every year we celebrate the 4th of July. As unabashed and unapologetic patriots, it's one of our favorite holidays. America is a great nation, the American people are a great people, and we're proud to honor our country on its birthday.
We won't go quite so far as to say that checkers defines the American character, but as we've said before, there's a democratic side to checkers that appeals to us. Anyone can play and anyone can succeed. It's just a matter of how hard they're willing to work.
America has produced great checkerists such as Marion Tinsley, Asa Long, and many more. But when it comes time to publish an American checker problem, as we're wont to do for the week of 4th of July, we usually turn to all-around great Tom Wiswell. Today is no exception as we present a Wiswell composition that is as elegant as it is difficult. It was originally published under the title The Rainbow.
Mr. Wiswell stated that this problem requires White to make no less than 12 "star" moves (a star move is the only move that will work in a given situation), and little wonder; White is down not one but two pieces. We're setting a tough task here, but we can guarantee that it will be worth the time and effort. Give it your best, and then give it some more, and don't give up. When you're finished, click on Read More to see the solution.
22-18 8-11 18x27 11-15 31-26 15-18 28-24---A 19x28 26-23 18-22 23-19 16x23 27x25 12-16 25-22 16-19 22-18 20-24 18-15---B 19-23 15-19 23-26 19-16---C 26-31 32-27 28-32 27x20 Drawn---D.
A---Nothing else works except this amazing move.
B---18-22 loses after 19-23 22-25 23-26 25-22 26-30 22-18 30-26 18-14 24-27 32-23 26-19 etc.
C---19-23 loses after 26-30 23-18 30-26 18-14 24-27 32-23 26-19 etc.
D---Mr. Wiswell comments, "Position in Checkers is everything!"