June's speed problem is taken from an actual game played on the It's Your Turn Internet site. The winning player in our problem situation uses the screen name Yearof57; his real name is Flavious Burgess and he hails from Beulah, Kentucky. Mr. Burgess says that he plays in a few tournaments around his home state and tries to play in the Majors Division, but at times "has to" play in the Masters Division. We're hardly surprised at that; Mr. Burgess is a very skilled player.
There's no doubt that he spotted the win in today's problem rather quickly, and you probably won't need a lot of time either, so we'll "help you out" by not giving you much! 10 seconds is all that's left on the clock; click on the link below when you're ready to begin.
June Speed Problem (10 seconds; easy)
White wins with a nice in-and-out shot:
31-26 22-31 32-28 31-24 28-19-10-3 White Wins.