In this month's excerpt from Willie Ryan's unmatchable Tricks Traps & Shots of the Checkerboard, we see a situation that Willie characterizes as "not so impressive as most of the other items." Of course, Willie has extremely high standards, but we can certainly say that we're impressed with this little gem! Add in the fact that it is of practical use, and you have something that certainly ought to command our attention. Here's Willie to explain it all to us.
"The following stroke theme is not so impressive as most of the other items in my compendium, but it is one of major importance, and of a type most likely to be overlooked in crossboard play. The game itself was adapted from one I played with 15-year-old Leonard Rosenfield, of Boston, who has all the promise of a future World Champion.
9-13 | 15-18 | 6-15 |
24-20 | 28-24 | 32-28 |
6- 9 | 11-15 | 12-16---A |
22-18 | 26-23 | 30-26 |
10-15 | 8-11 | 16-19---C, |
18-14 | 23-19 | forming the |
9-18 | 2- 6 | diagram. |
23-14 | 19-10 |
A---If 4-8 is moved, follow with 30-26* (not 24-19,15-24, 28-19, 11-15, 19-10, 18-22, 25-18, 5-9, shot), 12-16---B, 26-23, 8-12, 25-22*, 18-25, 29-22, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 22-18* (not 31-26, 1-6, 14-10, 7-14, 27-23, 14-18*, 23-14, 6-9, 14-10, 9-14, etc., black wins), 15-22, 24-8, 3-12, 27-24, 1-6, 20-16, 12-19, 24-15, 22-25, 28-24, 25-30, 24-19, 30-25, 31-27*, 25-22, 27-24, etc., ending in a draw. Leonard Rosenfield vs. Wm. F. Ryan.
B---18-22, 25-18, 15-22, 26-17, 13-22, 27-23, 11-15, 23-18, 8-11, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 1-6, 19-15, 22-26, 31-22, 7-10, 14-7, 3-19, 29-25, etc., accomplishes a draw. Wm. F. Ryan.
C---Down the wrong alley! The correct thrust is 4-8, 26-23, 8-12, making the draw play shown in Note A."
Can you structure a solution, or is your thinking perhaps too rigid? Clicking on Read More is a predictable part of our weekly structure, and you know that it will bring you straight to the solution, and an interesting computer addition to Willie's original analysis.
Continue: 27-23*, 18-27, 20-16, 11-20, 21-17, 13-22, 25-2, 19-23---1, 26-19, 27-32, 29-25*, 20-27, 31-24, 32-27, 24-20, 27-24, 19-15, 24-19, 25-21, 19-17, 21-14, 4-8, 28-24, 8-11, 24-19, and white wins---2. Wm. F. Ryan.
1---The computer engine King's Row here suggests that 27-32 leads to a stronger defensive line for Black even though it involves staying a man down, and still of course ultimately loses. Computers sometimes choose strange-looking moves that humans never would have considered!
2---25-21 19-17 21-14 4-8 28-24 8-11 24-19 3-7 19-16 and White has the game in hand (King's Row).