It's Labor Day weekend in the United States and elsewhere, and festivities of all sorts are taking place. As our photo illustrates, such celebrations have been going on for a very long time, and that's a good thing, for honoring the work of the regular guy is an important thing to do.
We'll join in ourselves by giving you a special Labor Day checker problem. After all, the regular working guy has his very own mind sport: checkers! Here's the problem:
White is a man down, but there is a very workmanlike draw available--- if you can find it. Labor away, and then stop for a break; clicking on Read More will take you to the very pleasing solution.
25-22---A 9-5---B 2x9 5x14 15-11 24-28 11-16 19-24 22-25 21x30 16-20 30x23 20x9 Drawn.
A---25-30 loses to 9-5 2x9 5x14 15-11 14-18 11-16 18-23 26-22 23-26 30x23 19x26 16-19 24-28 with a clear win for Black.
B---If 9-13 is tried, then 2x9 13x6 22-18 21-25 18-23 25-30 23x16 30x23 15-19 secures the draw.
This fine problem is attributed to William Rice, a Philadelphia checkerist many years back.