We're not returning today to the famed and troubled sixties, those times of tye-dyed shirts, paisley trousers, lava lamps, and much more which we shan't explore here. Instead, we're going back a full hundred years to the days of J. D. Janvier, who named the go-as-you-please opening 11-16 24-19 8-11 "The Paisley," without the slightest foreknowledge of peaceniks, Haight-Ashbury, or bell-bottoms. (We understand that Mr. Janvier was, much more prosaically, instead making reference to a town in Scotland.)
Here's some interesting published play in the Paisley:
1. | 11-16 | 24-19 | 2. | 8-11 | 22-18 |
3. | 4-8 | 18-14 | 4. | 9x18 | 23x14 |
5. | 10x17 | 21x14 | 6. | 16x23 | 27x18 |
7. | 12-16 | 28-24 | 8. | 8-12 | 26-23 |
9. | 16-20 | 31-27 | 10. | 6-9 | 25-21 |
11. | 1-6 | 29-25 | 12. | 11-16 | 24-19 |
13. | 6-10 | 30-26 | 14. | 10x17 | 21x14 |
15. | 7-10 | 14x7 | 16. | 3x10 | 26-22 |
17. | 9-13 | 25-21 | 18. | 2-6 | 18-15 |
19. | 10-14 | 22-18 | 20. | 5-9 | 15-11 |
21. | 13-17 | 11-7 | 22. | 17-22 | 7-2 |
23. | 22-26 |
And so we arrive at the following position.
Without turning to your books of published play, can you, fully on your own, find the White win? Even better, can you find Black's losing move in the play above, and correct it? To help in following the play, you can click here for an on-line animation.
If the effort frays your bell-bottoms or ruffles your Paisley trousers, clicking on Read More will bring you the answers quicker than you can light your lava lamp.
The winning process might go like this:
23. | ... | 19-15 | 24. | 26-30 | 2-7 |
25. | 30-26 | 7-10 | 26. | 26x19 | 10x17 |
27. | 19x10 | 18-14 | 28. | 9x18 | 27-24 |
29. | 20x27 | 32x7 | 30. | 6-9---A | 7-2 |
31. | 16-20 | 2-6 | 32. | 9-13 | 17-22 |
33. | 12-16 | 6-10 | 34. | 16-19 | 10-15 |
35. | 19-24 | 15-19 | 36. | 24-28 | 22-26 |
37. | 28-32 | 26-23 |
A---If 6-10 then 7-2 10-15 2-7 15-19 7-11 16-20 11-16 19-24 16-19 24-28 17-22 28-32 22-18 32-28 18-23 White Wins.
An animation of the entire game with the main-line solution is here.
Black's mistake? At move 20, 5-9 loses; 6-9 would draw as follows: 6-9 15-10 13-17 10-7 17-22 7-2 22-26 19-15 26-30 15-10 30-26 2-6 26-19 6-13 Drawn.