As we delve further into Willie Ryan's famed Tricks Traps & Shots of the Checkerboard, we come across still more interesting and useful positions. This month we look into A Scotsman's Scoop and Denvir's Demolition. Listen up as Willie himself explains.
A Scotsman's Scoop
I am unable to find the appended trim snare recorded by any previous connoisseur of the stroke art. It was shown to me by Paul R. Semple, of Martins Ferry, Ohio, who reports he got it from an old Scotsman. Old or new, it's a practical example and belongs in every checker enthusiast's notebook. Move:
11-15 23-18 9-14 18-11 8-15 22-17 4-8 26-23 7-11 23-19 5-9 30-26 9-13---A. See the diagram.
A---This is where black bites the dust. The following moves will bring about a draw: 15-18, 19-15, 10-19, 17-10, 6-15, 27-23, 18-27, 32-7, 3-10, 26-23, 8-11, 25-22, 9-14, 29-25, 2-6, 22-17, 15-18, 24-19, 18-27, 31-24, 11-15, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 14-18, 17-14, etc. Wm. F. Ryan.
Denvir's Demolition
9-14 22-18 5-9 25-22 11-16 24-19 8-11 27-24---A 16-20 31-27 11-16 29-25 4-8 19-15 10-19 24-15 7-11 22-17
The stage is all set for a startling stroke, leaving white hopelessly beaten. This clever whirligig is generally credited to the late John T. Denvir of Chicago, but it was probably known and shown by other champions before he was born.
A---A losing move often made by beginners, after which there is no scientific salvation. Either 22-17, 30-25, or 28-24 will draw.
After trying the problems, you don't need to be a Scotsman to demolish all difficulties by clicking on Read More for the solutions.
A Scotsman's Scoop
Continue: 19-16, 12-19, 27-23, 13-22, 23-7, 2-11, 25-2; white wins.
Denvir's Demolition
Continue from diagram: 16-19*, 17-10, 19-24*, 28-19, 9-14, 18-9, 11-18, 23-14, 6-31, and black wins.