In the United States (and elsewhere, of course), work and working have always been held in high esteem. Earning your own way, making a living, providing for a family; these things have always been respected and valued. So each year, on Labor Day, we recognize the value of work and the worker. We agree with the concept that all work is worthy and all workers deserve respect.
It seems that work, the worker, and checkers have traditionally gone together. Most of the greats of the game were working people, and many, many working people have enjoyed checkers throughout the years. Although the game has been in a long and steady decline, the connection with work and the worker still stands. Today's players come from all walks of life and work in all manner of occupations.
To celebrate Labor Day, let's look at a problem by an American checkerist who was an outstanding player back in the day, Harold M. Freyer. Serving America as a medic in World War II, Mr. Freyer gave much to his country. His profession afterwards? He was a house painter!
Is Black painted into a corner, or is it just a close brush with a loss? Black is man up, shouldn't that be enough? The solution is relatively long and precise. It's just like painting trimwork: you need patience and determination. See how you do and then brush your mouse on Read More to see the solution and notes.
Solution and lettered notes are by none other than Tom Wiswell.
15-19, 1-6, 10-15, 6-10, 11-16, 10-7---A, 15-18, 7-11---B, 16-20, 11-16---C, 18-22, 32-28---E, 19-24, 28-19, 23-27, 31-24, 20-27, 16-20 (16-11, 27-32, 11-15, 32-28), 27-32, 20-24, 32-28, 24-27, 28-32, 27-31, 32-28, 19-15, 28-32, 15-10, 12-16, 10-6, 16-20, 6-1, 32-27, 31-24, 20-27, 1-6, 27-32, 6-10, 32-27. Drawn---1
A---10-14---D, 23-27, 32-23, 19-26, 30-23, 16-20. Drawn.
B---30-25, 19-24, 32-28, 23-27, 28-19, 16-23, 31-24, 12-16, 24-20, 16-19, 7-11, 23-26, 11-15, 26-30. Drawn.
C---31-26---G, 12-16, 11-15, 20-24, 15-22, 24-27, 32-28, 16-20. Drawn.
D---31-26, 15-18, 10-15---F, 18-22, 26-17, 16-20, 15-24, 20-27. Drawn.
E---32-27 (31-27 allows 22-26, 27-18, 19-24, 30-23, 12-26. Black wins.), 23-32, 16-23, 12-16, etc. Drawn.
F---32-28, 16-20, 10-14, 20-24, 14-10, 24-27, 10-15, 27-31, 15-22, 23-27, 26-23, 19-26, 30-23. Drawn.
G---11-15, 18-22, 15-24, 20-27, 31-24, 12-16, 24-19, 16-20, 19-15. Drawn.
1---10-6---2 27-23 6-9 22-26 Etc. to a clear draw---Ed..
2---The point here is that White can't go after the Black man with 10-14? which loses at once to 22-26. This draw is as thin as paint thinner!---Ed..