A diagramless crossword puzzle is exactly what the name implies--- you get the clues but no diagram. You've got to figure out the diagram on your own. Quite the challenge.
Diagramless checker problems exist, too. They're not nearly as insidious as a diagramless crossword; they are simply problems published without a diagram, just a listing of what pieces go on what squares.
Now, in today's column, we won't put you through the exercise of visualizing the board without benefit of a diagram. In doing so, we're really not keeping with the 'diagramless' theme, but we suspect that you, our valued reader, will prefer this slight breaking of the rules.
This one is credited to John Tonks who was from West Lorne, Ontario, back in the day.
Now, 'diagramless' is not 'clueless' so don't be clueless yourself; the problem isn't terribly hard, although it does have a clever twist. And we'll clue you in: clicking on Read More will show you the solution.
9-6---A 2x9---B 13x6 1x10 15x6 7-11---C 6-2 26-23 2-7 23x16 7-10 14-18 10-15!---D 18-22 15x8 Drawn.
A---Seems quite obvious, but trouble still lies ahead.
B---The order of the Black jumps doesn't matter.
C---The critical point: the White man on 19 is doomed. How to get a draw now?
D---White gets the breeches and recovers the lost piece.