The Checker Maven

A Short Stroke for a Short Month


Leap Year won't come until next year, so February remains a short month. It's always seemed a bit unfair to us. Even though there are only 28 days, the rent or the mortgage or the condo fees remain at their full amount, as do the cell phone bill, the cable bill ...

We're certainly not going to solve that problem here, so maybe we'd best concentrate on a checker problem. It's a short stroke for a short month, and we think you'll find it to be on the easy side.

White to Play and Win


Can you solve this one in a short time? Figure it out and then make a short leap with your mouse onto Read More to verify your solution.null


22-17 21x14 11-8 4x11 7x16 12x19---A 6-2 14x7 2x27 White Wins.

A---The order of the jumps doesn't matter.

02/02/19 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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