Ed Atkinson, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is well-known in the checker community as a top player and skilled problemist. He is also, we're proud to say, a regular Checker Maven reader and occasional correspondent.
Ed offered us an original problem for publication and as you might expect, it's a dandy. He calls it Patterns, and you'll see why if you find the winning moves.
You'd think White would have an easy win here; after all, he's got two kings and Black has none. But White looks a bit crowded around Black's single corner, and the win isn't at all easy to find. This is a top-notch, difficult problem with a rewarding solution. Can you find the pattern?
See what you can arrange, and then click on Read More to check your work.
8-11 15-18---A 17-14 10-17 11-15---B 18-22---C 1-6---1 2-9 29-25 22-29 12-8 3-19 15-6 White Wins.
A---15-19 1-6 2-9 11-15 White Wins.
B---1-6 2-9 11-15 allows Black to escape by 17-22 29-25 22-29 15-24 Drawn.
C---If 17-22 then 29-25 White Wins. If 18-23 then 12-8 White wins.
1---29-25 22-29 1-6 same (Editor).
Ed gives us these closing remarks: "This problem gave pause to three strong players, no doubt because of the unusual ideas involved. I have yet to come across anything quite like it."
Neither have we, and The Checker Maven thanks Ed for the opportunity to publish this fine composition.