On the first Saturday of the month we often have a speed problem, an easy problem, or a stroke problem. Today we have a (not so) easy problem.
This one in a way is in two parts. There's the easy part in the beginning, and chances are you'll see that right away, even though White is on the verge of losing a piece. But then there's the second part. You'll see what we mean when you work on solving it. In any event, this little study is a great demonstration of an important winning technique.
Will you find a winning way easily or (not so) easily? This week, we suggest you take as much time as you need, and then click on Read More to see the solution and explanatory notes.
26-23 11x18 10-6 1x10 14x7 3x10 23x7---A 5-9 7-3 9-14---B 3-7 12-16---C 7-3 8-12 27-23 16-20 3-7 12-16 7-11---D White Wins.
A---White has evened the count and it's a 5x5 game. But the computer says it's a clear White win. Why? Note that White will get the early king and Black is limited in mobility. A cramped position attacked by a mobile king is seldom defensible.
B---Perhaps Black is thinking to press the White man on 22.
C---Now if Black actually attempts the press he loses like this: 14-18 7-10 17-22 10-15 White Wins.
D---You can run but you can't hide. Black has no safe move and must lose a piece. A great demonstration of using mobility to win against a cramped position.
Thanks to regular contributors Lloyd and Josh Gordon for sending this one to us.