In a recent article we asked you about your preferences in board diagrams, and although there were various opinions, a clear (and nearly overwhelming) majority seem to prefer black and white diagrams with the corresponding side notations of "Black" and "White." So, as of today, we're switching over. A good picture is indeed worth a thousand words.
The problem is that we didn't think the black and white diagrams were of especially high quality. But we're happy to say that we've found a way to "port" the excellent black and white diagrams used in our print publications over to the web. We'll spare you the technical details, which involve rather arcane Linux knowledge, and instead hope that you like our new, larger, clearer diagrams. Do write and let us know what you think.
So, let's start off with a fine problem from Samuel Gonotsky. This one is taken from over the board play and it's quite a nice early endgame study.
Against best play by Black, White will have to work pretty hard to get the draw. Situations such as these are seldom pure black and white. Can you find your way through? Our computer found a neat move to make things much harder than we think Mr. Gonotsky intended, but that's the black and the white of it. Give it a try and then click on Read More to see the solution.
21-17 15-19 17-14 18-23---A 26-22 23-26 22-17 26-31 11-7 3x10 14x7 31-26 7-2 19-23 13-9 26-22 17-13 24-27 2-7 27-31 9-6 1x10 7x14 23-26 13-9 26-30 9-6 30-25 14-9 22-17 6-1 25-22 32-28 31-27---B 1-6 22-18 6-10 27-23 9-13 18-22 28-24 and on to a draw.
A---Gonotsky gives 1-6 which is fine; but our computer (KingsRow) clearly prefers the text move, which makes the path to the draw much longer and harder for White.
B---Of course, it's still a draw, but we think White still needs to demonstrate it over the board.