We've always written about how we love the Thanksgiving holiday, a holiday that unites everyone. No matter what your race, religion, color, or political leanings, giving thanks is an American tradition that we can all support.
On this wonderful weekend we usually try to feature a problem from a great American composer or great American players. Today we'll look at a position that arose in a match game between two of the all-time greats, Walter Hellman and Maurice Chamblee.
Black is a piece up, and you'd think he should win handily. But it isn't as easy as all that. Can you find the right line of play that will carry Black to victory? You may be surprised!
Find the way to the laurel wreath, and then click on Read More to see the solution.
Here's the main solution. Variants are possible beyond the first few moves; use your computer to explore this fascinating position.
8-11*!---A 15x8 3x12 30-26 7-10 27-23 16-20 23x16 12x19 31-27 20-24! 27x20 10-14.
Black wins. White cannot counter the threat of 14-17.
A---Did this move surprise you? Believe it or not it's the only move to win. Everything else does no more than draw. Try it and see.
A Happy Thanksgiving weekend to one and all from the staff of The Checker Maven. And now we invite you to partake of The Checker Maven's traditional post-problem treat: coffee and cake!