We came across this personalized postcard evidently made for checker great Tommie Wiswell. Mr. Wiswell is playing a simultaneous exhibition, as he often did. Note that the postcard lists what was apparently his home address, 355 45th Street in Brooklyn, a building that is still standing. Our research tells us it's in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn, was built in 1910 (interestingly, the year Mr. Wiswell was born); it's listed as a multiple family dwelling; the size is about 2,500 square feet on a 2,000 square foot lot; and it's valued at around $800,000 or so.
We'll use any excuse to feature a Tommie Wiswell problem, of course. This one is based on a Louis Ginsberg game played at an unspecified club in New York City. Mr. Ginsberg was also a Brooklynite, and hence comes the title of the problem.
The problem isn't all that easy in that there are some nice ways to get it wrong. It would be a lot of fun to work on it at a nearby Brooklyn park, but in this internet age, you can solve it from just about anywhere in the world. Give it a try and then click on Read More to see the solution, notes, and an interesting photo.
30-26 9-13 26-23 14-17 22-18 6-9---A 11-15---B 17-22---C5. 15-10 22-26---D 23-19---E 26-31---F 10-15---G 13-17---H 18-14 9x18 15x13 31-27 etc. Drawn.
A---Mr. Wiswell notes that this is the only move to save this man, as White threatens 18-14.
B---The point of this subtle move will soon be seen.
C---17-21 23-19 and White gets a 2 for 1 and draws; or 12-16 15-10 17-21 10-14 drawn.
D---22-25 same idea.
E---14-10 26-31 14-5 31-26 23-19 26-23 Black Wins. Did you see this or did you play 14-10 too quickly?
F---26-30 similar.
G---10-14 still loses. Mr. Wiswell leaves the position here as a draw.
H---Anything else actually allows a White win; try it!
$800,000 is a middle of the road price for this part of Brooklyn, but as Honolulu residents, that amount of money for 2,500 square feet seems quite inexpensive to us. Location, location, location!