Every year we say that we love celebrating America's birthday, the Fourth of July, and this year is no different. At The Checker Maven we're proud to be patriots and with today's problem, we salute everyone who serves our nation, whether past, present, or future.
As we always do on this date, we turn to Tommie Wiswell, master checker problemist, champion player, and World War II veteran. He calls this problem "The Sentinel" and we think that title is an appropriate tribute to those serving us today as sentinels of freedom.
Here's the position.
The title gives a clue to the solution. Can you work it out, perhaps between hot dogs at the 4th of July picnic? Don't get cole slaw on your checkerboard! When you're ready, click on Read More to reveal the carefully guarded solution.
7-10 9-13 10x17 13x22 32-27 5-9---A 3-7 9-14 7-10 14-18 10-14 19-23 14-17 23x32 17x26 29-25---B 26-22 32-27 22x15---C 25-21 15-10 21-17 etc., to a draw.
A---29-25 3-8 drawn (but Wiswell shows that 3-7 loses).
B---It's the "breeches" no matter what Black does. The White king on 26 is the "sentinel."
C---The alternative jump, 22-29, looks tempting, but it loses.