Daf Yomi Calculator

Readings for 21 October 2024 / 19 Tishrei 5785

Talmud Bavli: Baba Basra 118
Daf Yomi Yerushalmi: Yoma 39
Mishnah Yomit: Baba Metzia 7:8 and Baba Metzia 7:9
Nach Yomi: Yirmeyahu 51

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If you are an EMACS user you might want to download daf.el, which adds Daf Yomi Bavli calculations to the EMACS calendar. Daf.el may eventually also support additional Yomi cycles. Please help out by reporting errors and problems to yomicalculators@bobnewell.net For more information, consult the best and most complete and comprehensive Daf Yomi site on the web, Dafyomi Advancement Forum.