The Unknown Derek Oldbury


Problem Number 4: By Derek Oldbury

White to move and win

Black tries really hard to equalise, but White proves an 'artful dodger'.

Solution To Problem Number 3:  10-7; 3-17 (if 19-17, then 2-6 is easy) 12-8; 19-10 11-15 (shall we dance?); 10-19 18-14; 9-18 2-7 (sting in the tail); 4-11 7-30. White wins.

Game Number 4. 'Dundee' Opening.

Black men on squares 1 to 12; white men on squares 21 to 32.

Start moving: 12-16 21-17; 9-14 24-19; 14-21 19-12; 11-16 22-17; 10-15 25-22; 16-19 23-16; 8-11 17-13; 11-20 27-23; 5-9 (sets a trap; if White replies 23-18, then 21-25 30-21; 20-24 wins for Black) 22-17; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 7-10 (not 11-16, for then 12-8 is killing. It begins to look bad for Black.) 24-20; 9-14 25-22; 1-5 32-28; 3-7 (turns the tables) 28-24 (nothing better; see why?); 5-9 (restraint; the three for two by 14-18 is not so good) 24-19 (must lose a man); 15-24 12-8; 11-15 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 24-27 19-16; 9-14 (building up to the big climax) 8-3; 27-31 16-12; 7-11 8-4 Forms Diagram: Black to move

Continue: 21-25 (smother 'em) 30-21; 15-18 22-8; 2-7. Black wins. A fine coup from a Bristol tournament. My opponent was Mr C.F.Carter, a leading amateur. I had black.


