The Unknown Derek Oldbury


Problem Number 29: By Ken Marriott

Black to move and win; a practical touch

Solution To Problem Number 28: 12-16 (crowning the man on 28 will not do) 24-20; 16-19 20-24; 19-23 25-22; 28-32 24-19; 23-27 19-23; 27-31 22-17 (trying to force 9-13, which would only draw); 31-27 23-26; 32-28 26-22 (looks as if White must surely succeed); 27-23 17-13; 9-14 22-18; 14-17 (the ace) 18-27; 28-32 13-22; 32-23. Black wins.

Game Number 29. 'Double Corner' Opening

Played when I was still a teenager; my opponent a noted correspondence expert. Black: D. Oldbury; White: R. J. Smith.

Move: 9-14 23-19; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 (all these early exchanges have a definite motive: to gain control of the centre) 21-17; 6-10 28-24; 2-7 (retarding 30-26, because of 18-23 in reply) 25-21; 10-15 24-20 (Black threatened 11-16 next); 1-6 31-26 (if 30-26, then 12-16 draws); 7-10 (not 18-22, of course) 17-14; 10-17 21-14 Forms Diagram: Black to move

Continue: 3-7 29-25; 15-19 14-10; 6-15 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 15-19 25-22; 11-15 (making a neat getaway) 32-28; 7-11 27-24; 19-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 23-26 22-18; 26-30 19-15; 30-26 15-8; 26-22. Drawn.
