Here's a tip I follow to avoid problems re-entering recurring items if a database is damaged, or if I need to File Transfer export/import items with recurring dates:

PROBLEM: DB2STF or TXT2STF cannot export/import recurring dates of items.

          It exports them as explicit dates.  If your database is damaged,
          you lose the recurring status, and must re-enter items in
          correct recurring syntax.

          Sometimes you forget the frequency of the recurrence:
                        i.e. Every 45 days (strtng 6/12/92)
          This makes it difficult or impossible to restore correctly.

TIP:      Make it easy to restore or import recurring dates, and preserve
          the integrity of your schedule.

          You do this by including the recurring syntax as the first line in
          your item note.  Then, if you must use db2stf or transfer, you have
          a reference to the recurrence.  You can use this to to manually
          restore the correct date.


  1. Create a category called Recurring Dates that may include monthly or weekly tasks, birthdays, holidays, etc. Create a recurring view that has two columns: Items ------ When
  2. Assign all recurring date items to this category.
  3. Enter the when dates in appropriate syntax:

    i.e. end of every month (strtng 05/31/1992)

  4. Use the following macro to include the recurring syntax in the item note:

{Backup Recurring Items}

 º  Macro Description: Makes safety reference backup of      º
 º                     recurring item syntax in case         º
 º                     of file damage.                       º
 º                                                           º
 º                     Periodically run this macro against   º
 º                     recurring items to update reference.  º
 º                                                           º
 º                     View must have two columns in the     º
 º                     format:                               º
 º                            Item--------------When         º
 º                                                           º
 º  Places it runs: On item only                             º
 º                  Attach to a key for repetitive use.      º



{RIGHT}{F2}{F7}{END}{F3}{ESC}{LEFT}{F5}{CtlHome}"{F2}"{ENTER}{ENTER}{CtlHome} {F5}{DOWN}

{ALERT;Error;You must be on an item to run this macro.} {QUIT}

The macro places the recurring syntax as the first line in the item note and gives you an "audit trail" in case of disaster. This assumes items are in a view format per (1) above. It also encloses that portion of the note text in quotes to avoid inadvertent text or date assignments from the note. Attach to a key for easy repetitive use.

6.      Use the macro above to periodically update your recurring date notes, or
        to enter the initial note info for your already existing recurring
        dates.  Perhaps every other month at least.

7.      If you need to restore, do the following:
             A. Create a view per 1 above
             B. Run the following macro:

{Restore Recurring Items}

 º  Macro Description: Restores date assignments for         º
 º                     recurring items that were protected   º
 º                     previously with syntax in item note.  º
 º                                                           º
 º                     View must have two columns in the     º
 º                     format:                               º
 º                            Item--------------When         º
 º                                                           º
 º  Places it runs: On item only                             º
 º                  Attach to a key for repetitive use.      º



{F5}{CtlHome}{RIGHT}{F7}{END}{LEFT;2}{F3}{CtlHome}{F5}{RIGHT}{F2;2}{ENTER} {LEFT}{DOWN}

{ALERT;Error;You must be on an item to run this macro.} {QUIT}

Agenda database damage goes with the territory. Unfortunately, File Transfer and DB2STF do not preserve recurring dates. These quick macros offer an easy insurance policy against disaster.