The Masked Man is Back in Town

Continuing our monthly "Masked Man" series, this month's offering is perhaps the most difficult to date. Can you identify the problemist pictured above (posing with his daughter), and then solve the problem below?

White to Play and Draw
Forces are even, but White's freedom of movement seems limited... can you pull off the draw? No less than four "star" moves will be necessary.

Check your solution, and learn the identity of the composer, by clicking on Read More.


31-26* 15-18 26-30* 24-19 20-16* 19-15 30-26* 15-19 26-30 18-22 16-11 19-15 11-8 15-11 Drawn.

What do you think of this problem? Frankly, we found it a bit "pedantic" for our tastes, and no wonder: the author is Professor Homer C. Hartshorn, former President of the South Side Checker Club in Chicago, and former Secretary-Treasurer of the American Checker Association--- nearly 100 years ago. If you listen closely, you can almost hear the venerable Professor saying, "Harumph! Indeed, indeed. Fine instructive situation for the young learner to master. No unnecessary frivolities. Serious study, that's the ticket."

We haven't been able to find out the identity of his daughter.

04/27/05 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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