The Checker Maven

Thanksgiving, 2010

All across America, from Hawai`i to Maine, from Alaska to Florida, it's Thanksgiving weekend, surely one of our favorite times of the year. It's an opportunity for families both large and small to gather together to celebrate all that's good in our lives, and of course, to enjoy the usual fabulous Thanksgiving dinner.

As checkerists, we also have much in addition to be thankful for, such as the many fine players who have gone before us and made our game richer and more enjoyable. And with such thoughts in our minds, how can we help but turn to the master himself, Tom Wiswell, for this week's problem?

As usual, before you have that second helping of pie, we invite you to take a look at the diagram below.


White to Play and Win


Can you work it out? Would you bet your slice of pie on it? Give it a try, then click on Read More to see the solution. And enjoy your weekend. Happy Thanksgiving from The Checker Maven to one and all.


31-27---A 23-26 30x23 13-17 9-14 17-22 14-18 22-26 18-22 26-31 27-24 20x27 23-19 White Wins---B

A---If 9-14, 23-27, etc. will draw---T. Wiswell.

B---An incredible finish---Ed.

And now, on to that second piece of pie!

11/27/10 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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