The Checker Maven

Ferrie's Flourish

Fed by the clear, clean moisture of the beautiful waterfall shown above, flora in the area will certainly flourish. But in today's entry from Willie Ryan's Tricks Traps & Shots of the Checkerboard we dwell on a different meaning of the word flourish, a checkeristic version which Mr. Ryan credits to James Ferrie. Here's Willie to tell us all about it.

"This time we'll look a a common mid-game trap by Worlds' Champion James Ferrie. This trap has been the stumbling block to more than a few great players. The situation reached at the diagrammed stage may be brought up in play from more than a dozen openings, and hence its practical value cannot be overemphasized. Now turn to the next page and let's examine a pretty coup by one of the old masters.


White to Play and Win


11-154- 89-13
15-227-111-5---A, 2,
25-924-20reaching the

A---No draw after this. The only move is 1-6*, 26-23 (18-14, 15-18, black wins), 6-9, 32-28, 10-14, 17-10, 7-14, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19,14-17, 30-26, 17-21, 19-15, 3-8,15-10, 21-25,10-6, 25-30, 6-1, 9-14*---B, 18-9, 11-15, 1-6, 15-19, 23-16, 12-19; a draw. Wm. F. Ryan.

2---The game is still in computer book play, with 1-6 indeed being the move to draw at this point. Other plausible looking moves such as 12-16 also lose, for instance 12-16 26-23 3-8 32-28 8-12 24-19 15x24 28x19 1-5 18-14 and Black is finished.---Ed.

B---Should black bring out his king 30-25, white scores with this surprise: 30-25, 18-15!, 11-27, 1-5, 25-18, 5-32, 8-11---C, 32-27, 11-15---D, 27-31, 13-17, 26-22; white wins by First Position.

C---13-17, 32-27, 17-21, 27-23*, 21-25, 26-22, 25-30, 22-17, 30-25, 17-14, 8-11, 23-18, and white wins.

D---13-17, 27-23, 12-16 (11-15, 26-22 wins), 23-18, 16-19, 18-23, 19-24, 23-18, 24-27, 26-23, 27-31, 23-19, and white wins."

Would you flourish in this situation? Look for the solution, but don't wither; the refreshing solution can be reached by simply clicking on Read More.


Continue: 18-14*, 12-16, 26-23, 3-8, 24-19, 15-24, 22-18, 13-22, 32-28, 10-17, 28-3, and white wins---1.

1---7-10 3-7 10-15 7-16 and it's over---Ed.

03/21/09 - Category: Books -Printer friendly version-
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