The Checker Maven

A Little Deceiver

Willie Ryan, possibly the only checkerist ever to achieve anything close to "rock star" status, takes us back to his youth in this month's installment from Tricks Traps & Shots of the Checkerboard. Let's listen as Willie tells us about a trap he learned in those early years. Editior's note: the photo above is definitely not Willie Ryan!

"When I was just a boy of 13, I learned this trap on the Defiance opening by John Drummond, which enabled me to win more than a few games. The basic germ or idea utilized in this example is known as the "Brooklyn"--- a tactical device that has almost as many variations of application as the versatile in-and-outer.

11-15 29-25 15-24
23-19 11-15 28-19
9-14 25-22 4-8
27-23 7-11 22-18
8-11 24-20—A 6-9
22-18 15-24 18-15—B,
15-22 28-19 forming the
25-9 11-15 diagram.
5-14 32-28

Black to Play and Win


A---The old and somewhat difficult Andrew Anderson defense. A better defense for white is: 22-18, 15-22, 26-17, 11-15, 24-20, etc., as given in my book, Scientific Checkers Made Easy.

B---To the gallows! The correct play here is: 31-27, 8-11, 18-15, 11-18, 21-17, 14-21, 23-5, 2-6, 27-23, 10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 20-16, 12-19, 23-16, 15-19, 16-11, 19-24, 26-23, ending in a draw."

Young or old, one thing is certain: clicking on Read More will show you the snappy and pleasing solution.


"Continue: 1-6*, 26-22, 9-13*, 22-18---C, 3-7, 18-9, 13-17, 21-14, 6-13, 15-6, 2-27, 31-24, 7-10, and black wins.

C---If 30-25 is moved, then proceed with 14-17, 21-7, 2-27, 31-24, 6-10, 25-21, 8-11, 22-18, 13-17, 21-7, 3-10, and black wins."

11/17/07 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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