The Checker Maven

Maybe Not Quite A Speed Problem

The first Saturday of each month we often offer a speed problem, featuring our relentless Javascript clock, and this month we return to that theme. But today's problem might not be quite a speed problem.

To be sure, the better checkerists out there will likely come up with the solution in short order. But others may perhaps need a little more time. And so, to accommodate everyone, we're being especially generous and allowing a whole two minutes for you to find the solution before the clock runs out. Aren't we the kind ones?

Click on the link below when you're ready to give it a try.

November Speed Problem (moderate difficulty)

Whether you were speedy or not, clicking on Read More will show you the solution in a jiffy.


The solution starts with the perhaps surprising move 10-14! and after 8-13 24-27, White has some choices:

1) 26-23? or 13-17? are blunders that lose immediately.

2) 13-9 loses to the nice shot 27-31 9-18 31-15.

3) Finally, 26-22 loses to the sequence 14-17 22-18 (forced) 27-23! 13-22 23-14 and Black wins, having "The Move."

11/03/07 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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