The Checker Maven

Labor Day Festivities

It's Labor Day weekend in the United States and elsewhere, and festivities of all sorts are taking place. As our photo illustrates, such celebrations have been going on for a very long time, and that's a good thing, for honoring the work of the regular guy is an important thing to do.

We'll join in ourselves by giving you a special Labor Day checker problem. After all, the regular working guy has his very own mind sport: checkers! Here's the problem:


White to Play and Draw


White is a man down, but there is a very workmanlike draw available--- if you can find it. Labor away, and then stop for a break; clicking on Read More will take you to the very pleasing solution.


25-22---A 9-5---B 2x9 5x14 15-11 24-28 11-16 19-24 22-25 21x30 16-20 30x23 20x9 Drawn.

A---25-30 loses to 9-5 2x9 5x14 15-11 14-18 11-16 18-23 26-22 23-26 30x23 19x26 16-19 24-28 with a clear win for Black.

B---If 9-13 is tried, then 2x9 13x6 22-18 21-25 18-23 25-30 23x16 30x23 15-19 secures the draw.

This fine problem is attributed to William Rice, a Philadelphia checkerist many years back.

09/01/07 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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