The Checker Maven

WCC Platinum Programs/Cake Manchester Databases Soon To Be Available

PLEASE NOTE: The download links and CD offers in this article are obsolete and no longer valid. As of October 2021, you can get Martin Fierz's programs and databases from his website. You can get WCC Platinum from

Gil Dodgen's WCC Platinum II and III checker playing computer programs are now available for the cost of duplication and shipping. Testing was a complete success and we are ready to take orders. Please read our special web page for further information, prior to contacting us.

We are also pleased to be able to distribute Martin Fierz's compact 8-piece endgame database, which runs with his Cake Manchester and also with Ed Gilbert's King's Row. This will also be available elsewhere for free download, and that is far and away the preferred option for all concerned. But, if you don't want to or can't download it, you will be able to get it from us on 4 CDs for just the cost of duplication and shipping. Watch here for timing of availability and details on ordering.

Please note: The Checker Maven maintains strict neutrality and impartiality. Our distribution of checker software and databases is intended as a service to the checker playing public, and must not be construed as making any kind of statement as to the claims or relative merits of any particular program or database. Such statements are made by us only in the context of a published review or evaluation.

04/02/05 - Category: Programs -Printer friendly version-
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