The Checker Maven

With Deliberate Speed

Today's speed problem is a little different; it's really not a "speed" problem per se, in that it needs to be solved in seconds. Instead, we present a problem that's a good deal harder than the usual "find the tactics" speed problem, though it really isn't so difficult as problems go.

Your challenge in this month's speed offering is to find the solution within the "regulation" five minute time limit. Are we perhaps being too easy on you? Only you can decide; try out the problem, and then click on Read More to see the solution and a sample game which leads to the problem position. Make haste slowly!

April Speed Problem No. 1


Black to Play and Win



16-19---i,ii 3-8 19-15 21-17 15-10 8-11 1-5 11-16 2-6 Black Wins.

i---16-12 only draws; 21-17 1-5 17-14 2-6 3-7 6-10 14-9 5-14 13-9 12-16 9-5 16-19 7-11 19-23 11-7 Drawn.

ii---If 16-11 then 13-9 secures the draw.

The position arises from a line in the Single Corner opening, as follows.

11-15 22-18 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 24-20 10-15 25-22 12-16 21-17 8-12 17-13 7-10 27-24 9-14 18-9 5-14 32-27 3-7 30-25---iii 16-19 23-16 12-19 25-21 14-18 27-23 18-25 23-16 15-18 31-27 25-30 26-23 10-14 16-12 30-26 12-8 26-19 24-15 7-10 27-24 10-19 24-15 18-23 15-10 6-15 8-3 15-19 3-7 11-15 7-10 15-18 10-17 18-22 17-26 23-20 20-16 30-26 16-11 26-23 11-8 19-24 28-19 23-16 8-3 forms diagram.

iii---24-19 should instead be played here to draw.

04/07/07 - Category: Problems -Printer friendly version-
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